Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jeep Guy

2 months ago I tried to get my FLIRT on.

I started by driving to work. Actually by curling my hair, applying that make-up and choosing something that makes me feel good to'd be surprised, those three things are essential to get the FLIRT on.

A jeep pulls up next me. I can't look, too shy. Next light, slow glance. Another red! I smile. About to turn into the neighborhood. Realize I'm never going to see this kid again. Smile and wave...the flirty kind. Nothing to lose, why not? I'm not getting any younger.

Park. Walk towards school. See Jeep guy pull in parking lot. Freak out. Walk faster and faster and FASTER. Crap, all I did was follow a few simple techniques, look good, smile, wave. Tell a few favorite staff members.

Next day. Kindergarten teacher tells me a note was left on her car. It made her husband mad. Note says,

"You are super cute. I was in the jeep. If you are single and interested, my number is...."

Thank you Jeep Guy. I'm flattered. You rock and are fearless. Two thumbs up.


lilbird and Junior said...

So...Are you going to call him? The suspense is killing me!

Katielin317 said...

For real?? You go girl!! We need an update!!

Milmonster said...

Ok, now what are you going to do?

Emily Ann said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this story. Read it to my girlfriend because I knew that she would get a kick out of it too. Thank you so much for sharing. Hilarious.

Ashley said...

Tell me more! Did you call?

jeanette said...

The note deserves a spot on honor on your refrigerator.

Tiffany said...

The note is kept in plain sight in my bedroom, lol. So I texted Jeep guy. We chatted back in and forth for some time. To make a long story short before going on the date with him I discovered a few major red flags and everyone advised me not to go out with him. Sad day... he was attractive...unfortunately looks aren't everything, weird. LOL. Have no fear...the dating continues just no boyfriend material as of yet, dang it all!

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About Me

Life as it for Tiffany Finley is quite the revolving door, one activity ends and I’m back on the rebound, looking for something to spice it up! Live it up, I tell you! Although, those who know me well, know my limits of “living it up!” A whirlwind of terrible singing, dancing, playful banter, blunt responses, sweet and endearing but firm and serious remarks to children, speaking/slaughtering accents that I’ve spun from memory, are a just a few of my favorite things….I delight in waking to the sunrise, driving to an incredible place of work, where I am able to express my true self regularly! My students call me "Crazy. ” This is where the song and dance comes into play, whether we are learning about adjectives or writing our names on our papers, I’ve got a song and cheer for it all! I’m passionate about traveling and walking down narrow pathways. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the park…I’ve been known to disappear in the dark of the night, only to be found on the swings. I also love to organize and re-organize, I can never quite get things right. I thoroughly enjoy people watching.