Monday, March 16, 2009

She said..."CRAP!"

I don't even know if I have any blog followers... I haven't blogged since Feb. 20th, that's a world record for me! Life's been busy and when you get out of the habit... it's just hard to start again, lol.

This school year has been rather interesting to say the least... I have so many stories to share... For starters, I have an EXTREMELY difficult, defiant little rascal in my class this year... all the other teachers feel bad for me... well today he wouldn't do any of his classwork, like most of the days of this school year (he may be smart but his report card is going to have straight N's, aka F's). So today I looked at him and said "I'm not putting up with this crap anymore, you need to do your work." The class went dead silent... I've never used that word or any other "bad" word for that matter in the classroom, it kind of made me chuckle inside. Needless to say all of my students kept on task for the remainder of the hour:).


Unknown said...

Hey! I follow ya! I love your posts! But---I can't believe you said crap! Crap is so bad...

I threw my kids off the other day for saying stupid--difference between 1st grade and 3rd I guess...

If I said crap, I don't think it would phase my kids though--half of them say it all the time!

Carolyn said...

Ha, way to show them who's boss! Sounds like you scared the crap right out of them! :)

Alanna said...

That's so funny! I love that the class went dead silent when you said that! Hopefully the kid got the hint...but probably not!

Chelsea Ellingson said...

Ha ha, that's so funny. When I was student teaching, I said "Crap" once when realizing that I forgot to do something and all of the kids were about to start an uproar when my supervising teacher intervened and said "Calm down, kids, she said 'Crud', I heard her, she said 'Crud'!" The funny thing is she actually thought I did say "Crud", it wasn't a cover. I didn't even realize that word was on the taboo list. :-)

Kimberly said...

LOL thats great! Hope it sets him straight! although probably not! :)

Tiffany said...

It just makes you realize that they pay attention to everything you say and notice when you're "out of the ordinary." I have really bossy students I think if I said stupid they would go tell the principal, lol!

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About Me

Life as it for Tiffany Finley is quite the revolving door, one activity ends and I’m back on the rebound, looking for something to spice it up! Live it up, I tell you! Although, those who know me well, know my limits of “living it up!” A whirlwind of terrible singing, dancing, playful banter, blunt responses, sweet and endearing but firm and serious remarks to children, speaking/slaughtering accents that I’ve spun from memory, are a just a few of my favorite things….I delight in waking to the sunrise, driving to an incredible place of work, where I am able to express my true self regularly! My students call me "Crazy. ” This is where the song and dance comes into play, whether we are learning about adjectives or writing our names on our papers, I’ve got a song and cheer for it all! I’m passionate about traveling and walking down narrow pathways. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the park…I’ve been known to disappear in the dark of the night, only to be found on the swings. I also love to organize and re-organize, I can never quite get things right. I thoroughly enjoy people watching.