Sunday, April 20, 2008

YOU, yes YOU can make a DIFFERENCE!

My dear friend Molly is a middle school teacher in Wisconson. She has been teaching her students about writing poetry. All of her students are learning English as a Second Language, so it's impressive that they can rhyme so well!

Molly needs our help encouraging her students to continue writing poetry. They have only made it through basic rhyme schemes and patterns. Next, they will be focusing on things like rhythm (the blues!), descriptive voices (thinking abstractly), telling stories or ballads, and then they'll break the mold with their own unique forms of poetry. All of these forms of poetry will be very challenging for her students.

This is where she needs your help. She has a blog where she posts every single poem that her students write. They check it religiously for comments. She would forever appreciate it if you could take some time out of your busy schedules and check out their blog. If her students knew that people outside of their classroom community were reading and responding to their poetry, then they'd really turn up the heat!

The website is (also a link on the side of my blog). You can write a short and sweet comment by selecting anonymous, and then publishing the comment. It would be nice if you included your name under your comment so they don't think it's just Molly. There are only 38 student poems, but there will be many more by this time next week!


Alanna said...

that's awesome and I know how an authentic audience can get students to take more pride in their work so I will definatly make comments on their writtings! :)

Senorita Cragun said...

Tiffany and friends!!

I am so grateful for your support! My students were so excited to get comments! Thank you so much!!

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About Me

Life as it for Tiffany Finley is quite the revolving door, one activity ends and I’m back on the rebound, looking for something to spice it up! Live it up, I tell you! Although, those who know me well, know my limits of “living it up!” A whirlwind of terrible singing, dancing, playful banter, blunt responses, sweet and endearing but firm and serious remarks to children, speaking/slaughtering accents that I’ve spun from memory, are a just a few of my favorite things….I delight in waking to the sunrise, driving to an incredible place of work, where I am able to express my true self regularly! My students call me "Crazy. ” This is where the song and dance comes into play, whether we are learning about adjectives or writing our names on our papers, I’ve got a song and cheer for it all! I’m passionate about traveling and walking down narrow pathways. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the park…I’ve been known to disappear in the dark of the night, only to be found on the swings. I also love to organize and re-organize, I can never quite get things right. I thoroughly enjoy people watching.