Monday, February 18, 2008

TAGGED AGAIN…Kristy decided to chase me back and I’m it again!

I decided to dedicate this Tag to my family…5 interesting facts about my family.

1. My family can watch Little House on the Prairie for hours! It’s the only show we all agree on. We seriously watch this every Thanksgiving day for hours on end. We also watch it on Sundays when we are all together

2. A few family nicknames:
  • Mom & Dad: I like to refer to them as Ma ad Pa, but they hate it! My mom says it makes her feel old, but since we love Little House I feel that it’s appropriate. A lot of my dad’s friends called him Finley or Fin growing up.
  • Me: As a baby my mom called me “Tiffy, wiffy, piffy, poo, I love you!” I also go by Tiff and Tiffster. My aunt calls me Wilma. (The nicknames my friends have for me will be saved for another day.)
  • Leslee: I like to call her, “Les the Mess,” but she hates it, so I usually stay away from it. My dad calls her Lelly and I do sometimes too.
  • Joey: He is known as “the favorite.” All of us kids agree he is the favorite, we think it’s a combination of his charm and good looks☺. We also call him Jo-Jo or Joey, his real name is Jeffrey Joseph.
  • Aaron: Aaron likes to be called “Ron,” no one really call him Ron, we think it’s weird…he thinks it’s hilarious. A few of us call him “Air-bear.” Ryan likes to call him “Air-head.”
  • Ryan: He goes by “Ry-ry” or “pest.” We love this boy, he’s our little class clown and we just can’t get enough of him.

3. Every 2 weeks for a while, all 5 of us kids got the chicken pox …I was 11 and I brought them home, my mom’s still mad at me…

4. I think we are all pretty good cooks! Aaron and Ryan like to create intersting Chineese recipes. My dad is awesome at cooking in the dutch oven and I've adopted his love for dutch oven cooking...he got me my own dutch oven for Christmas. Leslee and I both like to bake goodies. Mom's good at cooking everything...occassionally she makes some interesting things, my dad hates anything with tater-tots! And Joey is learning how to cook in Brazil!

5. A couple of summers ago we went to Flaming Gorge. We camped on an island, so we had to bring all of gear over by our ski boat, it took two trips. We found this rattlesnake in our campsite and Leslee kept referring to as a “Rattle Lizard.” We still call rattlesnakes, rattlelizards. On our way back to the “mainland” we decided we didn’t want to take two trips, so we packed all 7 of us on the boat with all of our gear, even my dads tent outhouse! We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies on water! I really wish I had a picture of this! Here is a pic of my family from vacation 3 years ago.

I now tag Niki! And anyone else who wants to be tagged too! You don’t have to dedicate it to your fam… I especially want to learn 5 interesting facts about Niki, try to find things that I don’t know yet….GOOD LUCK! I know you like the back of my hand. We should really try to contact Oprah or something to start our sitcom, we really are that funny! I know at least 2 people who would watch it!

1 comment:

The Koenigs said...

Tiffany- you and your sister look NOTHING alike! haha you have such a fun family!

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About Me

Life as it for Tiffany Finley is quite the revolving door, one activity ends and I’m back on the rebound, looking for something to spice it up! Live it up, I tell you! Although, those who know me well, know my limits of “living it up!” A whirlwind of terrible singing, dancing, playful banter, blunt responses, sweet and endearing but firm and serious remarks to children, speaking/slaughtering accents that I’ve spun from memory, are a just a few of my favorite things….I delight in waking to the sunrise, driving to an incredible place of work, where I am able to express my true self regularly! My students call me "Crazy. ” This is where the song and dance comes into play, whether we are learning about adjectives or writing our names on our papers, I’ve got a song and cheer for it all! I’m passionate about traveling and walking down narrow pathways. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the park…I’ve been known to disappear in the dark of the night, only to be found on the swings. I also love to organize and re-organize, I can never quite get things right. I thoroughly enjoy people watching.