Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Bringing" down the house...(I mean BURNING down the house!)

Have you ever had a roommate that you just can't stand?!?!??!?! Unfortunately, I think I have turned into one of "those" kind of roommates...about six months ago my roommates lovingly pointed out one of my flaws.... I have a tendency to leave the oven and my curling iron on... It's a huge problem and I take full responsibility and feel quite horrible about it, but how do I get a grip on this?

Now the reason the curling iron gets left on is because while getting ready, I always need to go back and do a few touch ups before I leave. But the oven, come on! Why can't I just turn it off when I'm done?!?!

I've scared my roommates into getting renters insurance, that's just how bad this is! It's ridiculous!

The new plan. I've placed a note on the front door so that every day when I leave I can see it and remember to check those two things. Also, I've decided that my hair doesn't need touch ups, I just need to do it really nice the first time:).

Any other ideas to help me stop? I don't think they have LTOA (Leaving Things On Association). Man, I just feel terrible about this! I laugh, but I really do feel bad!


Niki said...

At first when I started reading your blog.. I was a little worried, I thought.. umm... remember Niki.. your roommate.. Lol. So I love your stinkin' guts! I think we should accept donations towards a fire extinguisher. Do I hear 20, make that thirty, come on people be generous.. Lol.

Unknown said...

I'm in... how much do you need? Do you accept personal checks?? I'd love to sponsor the purchase of multiple fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and maybe a hot guy to follow Tiffany around to make sure she turns things off... I can't lose my Tiffy or the amazing Nikki... we haven't even celebrated our anniversary!

JRome said...

Hmmm. Funny thing is, I've been thinking of the exact same thing! I actually left the stove on one morning, had to drive back from my way to work.

The other night, I left the oven on. Thank goodness it was set to warm.

Now about my hair curlers...

Katey said...

Sheesh, glad I'm not your roommate and don't have to put up with these obsured behaviors. ;) Ok really, I'm anal about the oven simply because my mother was. The hair straightener on the other hand...pretty sure it could have burnt down my whole apartment complex in college 100 times plus. I have become much more responsible as I have matured but I do have those occasional days when I still forget. :)

The Kelley Family said...

uh, Your asking the wrong person for tips! I left the oven on for an ENTIRE weekend without realizing it! And I still forget every once in awhile ! :(

Mike & Kristy said...

I think renters insurance is probably a good idea, knowing you!
JK....not really:)

Tiffany said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one!

Katey & Jerome, I've heard that curling irons and flat irons hae a device that makes them burn out and not burn down the place, so you're SAFE! Lucky!

As for renter's insurance, I think I need to look into for myself:).

Niki, no need to worry! You're a keeper!

Lastly, Molly! I'm so glad that you're investing in my future! You're chaning my destiny, death or life! Thanks lady! I really appreciate it!

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About Me

Life as it for Tiffany Finley is quite the revolving door, one activity ends and I’m back on the rebound, looking for something to spice it up! Live it up, I tell you! Although, those who know me well, know my limits of “living it up!” A whirlwind of terrible singing, dancing, playful banter, blunt responses, sweet and endearing but firm and serious remarks to children, speaking/slaughtering accents that I’ve spun from memory, are a just a few of my favorite things….I delight in waking to the sunrise, driving to an incredible place of work, where I am able to express my true self regularly! My students call me "Crazy. ” This is where the song and dance comes into play, whether we are learning about adjectives or writing our names on our papers, I’ve got a song and cheer for it all! I’m passionate about traveling and walking down narrow pathways. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the park…I’ve been known to disappear in the dark of the night, only to be found on the swings. I also love to organize and re-organize, I can never quite get things right. I thoroughly enjoy people watching.